Haven Sew-a-Long {Day 1}

It's day 1 of the Haven Sew-a-Long! If you aren't familiar with the Haven, this pattern has a little something for everyone, which truly makes it great for a sew-a-long. Dress, romper, pantaloons; there are so many options! Which will you choose?

If you've participated in our sew-a-longs before, you know that day 1 is a super fun day! Today is the day we purchase our patterns and pick out fabrics! This is the day to brainstorm and get those creative juices flowing!

If you haven't purchased your pattern, do that NOW! Head over to the shop and use code {havensewalong} for 25% off now through the end of the sew-a-long. Step 1 of day 1 is done. Can you believe it?

On to, in my opinion, the {best part}! I love fabrics, and my sewing area{s} definitely reflect said love! Search those stashes, drive to your favorite fabric shop, raid your grandmother's fabric closet. It's time to pick fabric, ladies!

I just so happened to receive this gorgeous Vintage Circus fabric from Lewis&Irene in the mail a few days ago. Can you say fate? I'm pairing it with a neutral linen and crocheted lace. Now is also the time to start daydreaming about options. Narrow down which version of Haven you want to create.

Once you've decided on fabrics, snap a photo and head over to our FB group. Post your photo in the Day 1 album! You are done for the day and ready for tomorrow, where we will be getting our pattern ready, cut out our pieces, and start the bodice construction!

We can't wait to see what you all create and we look forward to spending the next week sewing with you all! And because we love a good giveaway, participate in our sew-a-long and make sure you upload your photos into the daily albums by 3/31/16, and you will be eligible to win an awesome prize pack! One lucky person will win a VFT 5 pattern prize pack PLUS a $50 gift card to Hawthorne Threads! Who wouldn't love to win that!! Have fun and we will see you back here tomorrow!