It's the first week of April, so you know what that means!!!  It's Sew-a-Long time!  Who else gets excited when the month comes to an end?  For me, I know it's time to start voting on next months pattern, and that means a new SAL is right around the corner!  Last week was voting week, and our winner won by a landslide!  Charlie is our official SAL winner for April, and I couldn't be more excited because I did not get a chance to test this pattern and I have been dying to sew this one up!  

If you haven't purchased Charlie yet, well, what are you waiting for!  Use code: charliesal and get this pattern 20% off!  This is our first step for Day 1!

Once you have your pattern purchased, it's time to think about fabrics and trims, so head over to your favorite fabric shop, online shop, or your own stash and get to shopping!  Remember that for this pattern your will need a lining fabric as well as your main fabric, and you will also need a few buttons!  And don't forget about embellishments!

I am going very simple on this one!  Still not positive if I will be sewing a dress or top, but I just could not pass up this gorgeous Bari J fabric!  Anyone else just adore every single fabric she designs???  Goodness, she can do no wrong!!

So we've got our patterns purchased and our fabrics chosen.  Day 1 is complete, so lay those gorgeous fabrics out and snap a photo!  We can't wait to see what you've chosen!  Head over to SAL Central and out your day 1 photo in the album!

Pop back here tomorrow for Day 2.  We will be working printing our patterns and cutting out our fabrics.  A super easy day!  See you tomorrow!


April 03, 2017 by Emily Steiger