Day 4 means we are almost finished with our Sew-a-Long.  And while it's sad to think our fun is coming to an end, we've got quite a bit of work to do still.  So let's get started!

Set your bodices aside and grab your skirt pieces.  For both the reversible and no reversible versions,  take your back skirt piece and but it down the middle so you have 2 pieces.  Place the back pieces on top of the front piece, RST and sew along the short side seams.

Trim your SA and finish the edge with either your serger or a zi-zag stitch.  Now take the middle back edges and finish those as well!  Repeat all of these steps for the reverse side of the skirt, if doing the reversible version.

If you are doing the reversible version, follow along with me!  You will be folding the back middle edges you finished 1/4in with wrong sides touching and iron.  Repeat this for both the main and lining skirts.  If you are doing the non-reversible version, fold your back middle pieces in 1in and iron flat.

For all options, it is time to hem your skirts.  Fold the bottom raw edge up 1/4in and iron, and then another 1in and sew to secure.  Do this for all of your skirt pieces.

If you are making your Pearl reversible, I like to clip both skirt pieces together at the bottom and trim any difference I have at the top of the skirts, that way they are both the exact same length.

Now take your skirt pieces and sew your gathering stitches at the top.  I prefer 2 rows of stitches, but you do what you like!  Make sure you leave 1in on either end of the skirt ungathered if you are going to be using buttons, and 1/2in ungathered if you are doing the tie back version!  

That is it for today!  Tomorrow we will be attaching our skirts and finishing up our lovely Pearls!  Like always, please add in your daily photo into the Day 4 album!  If you need to catch up, you can find the previous posts all linked here.  See you all back here tomorrow!


March 10, 2017 by Emily Steiger