Pepper Sew-a-Long {Day 5}

Today is our final SAL day.  It's a bittersweet day for me.  I adore seeing all of the lovely creations flooding our FB group, but I also get sad that our work is done for the month.  At any rate, let's get started so we can admire all of our efforts!

If you are making a dress and adding pockets, grab your pieces and finish all the edges.  Everyone, regardless of top or dress length, you can finish the sides of each skirt piece. 

For your pockets, measure down 2in and pin a pocket piece RST to your skirt.  Your pocket piece should point down.  Do this on both sides of your skirt piece and sew along the serged straight edge.  Repeat for your other skirt and pocket pieces.  Flip the pockets out and iron.  Now place the skirt pieces RST, matching the pockets.  Sew from the top of your skirt, around the pocket, and down to bottom edge.  Do this on both skirt sides.  Iron your seams open.

If you are making a top or chose to not do pockets, grab both of your skirt pieces and sew along both sides to create a tube.  Iron your seams open flat.

Now let's hem.  Iron the bottom up 1/4in and then another 1/4in and sew right along the folded edge.  We are nearing the finish line!  YAY!

Sew 2 gathering stitches at the top of your skirt.  Pull your bobbin threads and gather your skirt the same width as your bodice.  Match your side seams and pin all the way around.  Make sure to keep your bodice buttoned during this part.

Sew your skirt to your bodice.  Finish the SA with the method of your choice.  A few more steps and we are DONE!

Turn your bodice RSO, iron your SA towards the bodice and topstitch in place.  And there you have it folks, your Pepper is complete! 

To say this is one of my favorite patterns in an understatement.  I just adore this pattern and my daughter loves it too!  This top will be perfect for her first week of school!  Make sure to take a photo and put in into the day 5 album.  If you are not caught up, no worries.  You have until Monday to get your photos in!

A huge thank you to everyone who participated this week in our August SAL!  I have so much fun with you all and am so thankful for our monthly {get togethers}!  See you all next month!


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